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multiplicative group中文是什么意思

用"multiplicative group"造句"multiplicative group"怎么读"multiplicative group" in a sentence


  • 乘法群


  • The second approach is to use the concept of discrete logarithm . understanding this concept requires understanding some properties of multiplicative groups
  • And for geometrically split link , sharp integrality of the ohtsuki invariant is given . a new multiplicative group , braid array , is constructed through a series of basic changes in the second part , and we conclude that any tame knot or link can be represented by finite braid array
    第二部分,由于辫子群与纽结理论的密切联系,本文构造了一个类似于矩阵的乘法群? ?辫子阵群,并给出了它的一系列基本变换,且得到所有温良纽结或环链都可由有限阶辫子阵惟一表示。
  • The primary advantage that elliptic curve systems have over systems based on the multiplicative group of a finite field ( and also over systems based on the intractability of integer factorization ) is the absence of a subexponential - time algorithm ( such as those of index calculus type ) that could find discrete logs in these groups
用"multiplicative group"造句  
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